Kona East Coast Championships 2012‏

This competition is being held in Trois-Rivières, which is about an hour and a half east of Montreal. Dominique Vallée seems to be a key organizer - from what I have read...

The event is to go over two(2) days starting on Saturday the 23rd of June 2012 and is to cover many classes - KONA, RSX, BIC293, Formula, open class, Lasers, etc. It is hosted by Club Multivoiles, which is at 12,751 Notre Dame Ouest, Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada.

For more information on the event : contact info@multivoiles or go to the website - www.multivoiles.com. Most of the information is in French and seems to be lacking.

Personally hope to go and take some pics. Will bring my Fanatic Ultra CAT and my two(2) race sails just in case. Unfortunately 9.5 is the limit on sails and mine is a 10-oh. That is one of the reasons I am trying to sell this amazing sail - MauiSails TR4 10-oh with matching 520 cm 100% carbon mast.

Will post more as I get in.

GOOD LUCK to all and I am sure FUN will be had :-)

Some information was available here, but in general found it hard to find info:

A chance of rain was announced, butt that did NOT happen. Instead there were North winds in the 12 to 15 knot range. The races started with the OPEN CLASS and there were more people and boat types than I anticipated. I took some photos as promised. Dominique Vallée, Sailboarder, CAN-1 {Sam Ireland ?} and others were present :-) For now I have just placed the photos - they are high def - so, clique em and check em out :-) In terms of boards, I saw many KONAs - obviously, Mistral OD/one-design, croconut - discussed later,  RS:X and BIC 293OD.

Clique ANY foto for the slide show :-)


Met Stephen Huszar ERIC Bouillet, who is sail number CAN-10. He was using a DIV2 board that I had never seen. I had to ask a number of times since I always understood "coconut'. It is actually a croconut from the "old days" and is similiar to a Lechner. Told him that my DIV2 was about my BIC Dufour Wing. He mentioned a facebook page called LOVEDIV2s Open Division II :-) Here is a shot or two(2) of his board.

Too many pictures? Would have liked to figure out how to do a photo album ... ie clique if you wanna see the pics ...


  1. Thanks for sharing Joe. I am sure you would have liked the event. People were very friendly and helpfull

  2. This was the first race I EVER saw first hand. It was only 1.5 hours from my house and I wanted to bring my wife n son. Next time when I have more advance notice, I will attend without my family and GO FOR IT. It looked like a LOT of FUN. This time I did not plan enough time - daughter moved today,etc. Let's hope there will be another chance before not too long :-) Sailboarder mentioned something may be happening even closer to home soon - Pte-Claire. Will find the details and share them.

  3. Hi Joe,
    CAN-10, the Croconuts sailor (and board`s owner) that you`re showing here, isn`t Stephen Huszar but me..I don`t know where you picked that name...I don`t recall also when we met.
    Dufour Wings were not Div2 but standard board.
    Div2s, large round bottom sailboards, have specific class rules that you can find at ISAF.
    If you want to know more about this Class, I can provide you a link for a specific blog and, yes, we founded a group on Facebook, but called Open Division II, not LovD2s (???). It is important to release information that is accurate ;). Thanks. Eric.

    1. Sorry about that...
      NO HARM intended
      usually get my info from the web - in terms of sail numbers, websites, etc
      i could NOT confirm the facebook page...

      THANX for the corrections :)


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