Summary of 2014 Summer Windsurfing

Since the season is almost over ...
Definitely over for those who will not wear full wet suit material...
(Had my last session with no gloves Friday...)

This summer, as usual, it was mostly light wind and thus longboards with 8.x sails. Last year I busted the nose of my FUC/Fanatic Ultra CAT board, butt was repaired this year. Actually the nose and butt were repaired :-)
That board stayed up at the lake and am considering using it around Montreal next summer.

This summer I used the MEQ/Mistral Equipe I (purchased last year) with the 8.x sails - mostly the HSM/HotSailsMaui SPF/SpeedFreak 8.5 that was purchased this year.

The BTF/BIC Techno Formula was sold in two(2) days and I purchased a 2012 JP SLW92 PRO with Select Race 66 cm fin. Also purchased a Curtis Slalom 57 cm fin to try with an 8.x sail on this board. Now looking for used True Ames SB/Santa Barbara 23in/58cm fin. Only got to take this board out once so far. Wind was a bit too light, but when this board planed - man, it was FUN. That was with the TR-4 10-oh in about 10 to 12 knots. I may need to learn to pump when missing a knot or two.

Sails 7-oh and down were barely used - if at all. The Fanatic BEE LTD 124 was NOT used at all. Helmut got out twice this year with his Hawk 135. Unless one has a VERY flexible schedule or time off, it is VERY difficult to sail with the smaller stuff.

My boss Roni, used to windsurf on Lake Garda in Italy. Since his son was born five(5) years ago, he has NOT windsurfed ! I got him to go out on my MEQ and his Tushingham 8.0 sail. He was so excited that he purchased a used Fanatic Hawk 150 LTD at an excellent price. If I had not purchased the JP SLW92, I would have sold my AHD 160 and purchased that board - NICE !!!

In general this was NOT a good year for windsurfing. In 2013 I had about 70 outings and in 2014 had about 40. That's 57% as many sessions as the year before. My wife will say I was out a lot - more than twice a week. Forty sessions over six months is 40/6 = 6 2/3 sessions per month. With about four weeks per month, that's 6.67/4 = 1 2/3 sessions per week. That's less than 2 sessions per week, but i will NOT argue that point with my wife. She is VERY understanding until I go out for extended outings - like eight+ hours !!! {which i did about four(4) times this year :-( } Still better than what Helmut got ... He does not go unless 16+ knots announced ...

Here is my preferred video of the year for 2014 - on the sold BTF.

Which board will make people talk more in 2015? My FUC board or my BIC Dufour Wing ?? The post on the BIC Dufour Wing STILL gets the most hits EVERY month. It is a board that I rarely take out any more. Perhaps I should take it out at OKA just to get the tongues wagging :-) People reacted less to the MEQ than the FUC. Believe the MEQ was a more common board in this neck of the woods ...

Excellent quiver for the year ...
As usual - NEED to improve technique next year !!
When am i going to get in the foot straps ??

Eighty (80) percent of the outings were on longboards and just under 80% with 8.x sails. This means with the longboard, JL SLW, 8.x sails and 10-oh sail - cover pretty much over 95% of my outings. Next year hope to get out in some stronger winds - at least 7-oh conditions !!!

Had some time on my hands and played with some videos - the winter one is from last year obviously

Objectives for 2015:
Go to Cape Hatteras in MAY and HAVE FUN = first time !!
Get in the foot straps and HAVE FUN
Pump to plane and HAVE FUN

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