BIC Windsurf Boards

Don't know why it took so long for me to realize just how much of an impact BIC had on the windsurf world. Especially since my first board was a BIC Dufour Wing (red trim) with the original giant triangular sail and super long boom. Buddy had a BIC Techno 160 and I had a BIC Techno Formula. Even Franco had a BIC 293 ... BIC, BIC, BIC everywhere ...

So, I did a quick search in the brain and then on the internet and came up with quite a list:

actually found this one later ...

BIC Dufour Wing (early 80's) - they sold tens of thousands in Europe
    it was the BIG BOOM of windsurfing
    wrote about it » my-bic-dufour-wing-and-how-i-started.html
    later a cheaper version called the 250 came out 1986-89  ... (seems there was also a 210)
    They were longboards where the dagger or centreboard did NOT fully retract.
    This is me in REALLY light wind learning...

Some people suggest this was a DIV I or division one board.
Here you can see the rounded hull, the protruding dagger-board and tiny fin:

they were a major part in the beginning of windsurfing

and i enjoyed it even with the newer sails 😊
was 378x68 cm - ~200 liters and a heavy 21 kilos

BIC Hervé Borde (around 1984) this was a D2, DIV2, division 2 that I was unaware of
     until I got a Reix D2 in 2018 and started writing about these boards
     these boards are having a revival since a few years
     nothing beat them in 8 knots winds before ... until now .... foiling ...

BIC SL200 (1984)  - is supposed to be the demise of the one class race boards.
    Now equipment became more important than skills...
    The board still has the two "holes" in the deck where the same proprietary
    mast base can go.
    Just got one in 2017 and am writing about it » bic-sl200-aka-bic-slalom-200.html

Now the dagger-board is fully retractable and the board has foot straps ...
Also, the bottom is flat and actually has the option for tr-fins:

The original centre fin is still tiny, but at least it seems to be US fin box !!
the beginning of slalom ??  310 x 66 cm - 200 liters and a heavy 17 kilos = 42.5 pounds !!

I imagine that board had an influence on the BIC 210SL which seems to have had something to do with Ken Winner ... It had a dagger, foot straps, flatter bottom AND a mast track ...
and Ken Winner was definitely into racing ... Was made around the same time 1984-1986
350x65 cm with 180 liters, but also still heavy at 18 kilos !!!
was probably also 210 liters and NOT 180 as found on a forum

Since we are on the subject of Ken Winner, there was also a board called the BIC 750. It was 305 cm long and only 140 litres and was apparently THE race board in the day. Here are some links ...

Also, in 2017 someone near Montreal was selling something they called a BIC Dufour Course !!

BIC Swing (1986-89) just looks like a different Dufour WING !!
378 cm x 68 cm with 205 liters weighing 20 kilos ...

BIC BEBOP (1986-89) still a longboard  with 377 cm x 68 cm, but 20 kilos and 230 liters

BIC JAZZ (1986-89) supposed to be another learner longboard ...
375 cm x 68 cm with 240 liters, but also 21 kilos

BIC Rock n Roll (1986-1990) Seems to be the first of many BIC boards coming out in late 80's.

No longer are there "holes" in the deck and instead there is a sliding mast track.
Adjustable on the fly ??
Also, the bottom now has a VEE shape:

Board was getting shorter and less volume too. Previous ones were 200+ liters.
This one was about 135 liters and 305x62 cm weighing only 13 kilos ...
Previous boards were 17+ kilos !!

BIC Reggae (1986-1989) seems I missed this one too - added later
336 cm long and 67 cm wide with a volume of 190 liters and considered good for learning - well that was back in the day ...  seems heavy @ 18 kilos

They seem to have a pinched tail like some Mistrals and a line down the double concave bottom.

BIC Hard Rock (1987-1993) Now going down in liters - 110 ??
   Notice the pinched tail like the Mistral Equipe One.
   Ironically this one is 283 cm which is a length BIC used later in a longboard.
   Still have strange plastic straps for the feet/foot-straps...
   Less volume and less weight - down around 11 kilos ??
   Beat some speed records ??

BIC Allegro Speed Board (1987-1988 ?)  270 x 45 cm or 9'x18" as per Jimmy
    apparently shaped by the infamous Jimmy Lewis - windsurf board shaper

BIC Electric Rock (1988-1995) Now these boards look something from a magical
    mystery tour !! No wonder they were called electric !!

seem to have a decent VEE shape and nice fin too

Now approaching 100 litres !! and ONLY 8 kilos !! WOW & 265x58cm

BIC Bamba (1989-1993?) definitely a longboard
    240 liters and 370 x 65 cm

BIC Alto (1990-93) on seabreeze a fellow wrote that this was one wave board he was glad to be rid of !!
it was 255 x 57 cm and 85 liters - time to turn on the colour ??

BIC Samba 320 (early 90's) Had a board once that I thought was a SAMBA, but it did
     not have the mast track. These all seem very colourful with track and dagger board.
     Seems some people used them as "learner boards"
     320x64 cm 170 liters

BIC Astro Rock (1990-1996) apparently this one was LEGENDARY !!
    sold more than any other board at the time ??
    still has the track up front and does NOT work with modern sails
    back to 125 liters, 285x61 cm and 11 kilos. (seems there was a "FUN ROCK" too)

BIC RAP (1992-95) slalom HW (what is HW ?? high wind ?? )
260 cm x 55 with only 88 liters, but 8.2 kilos

BIC Presto 280 (1992-96) seems there was a white one and multi-coloured one !!
280 cm x 58 cm with 122 liters and 8.8 kilos ... slalom LW (what is LW ?? light wind ??)

BIC Rumba 310 (1992-1996) funboard? again seems to be available in white and coloured
310 cm x 63 with 150 liters weighing 13 kilos

BIC Hip Hop (1993-95) supposed to be slalom/wave
256 cm x 55 cm with only 83 liters and only 8 kilos !!

BIC Tempo (1993-96) slalom wave ...
265 cm x 58 with 95 liters and 8.5 kilos

BIC Veloces (1996-2000) is this the beginning of the freeride and fun boards ?
    some were 328x68 cm with 185 litres and others 310x64 cm with 151 litres
    seems they were known as Veloce 328 and Veloce 310
    and now back to the longboards - these ones DID have the dagger aka centre-board

Seems there were different versions where the later ones have mast track adjustable on the fly.
And perhaps even a version with NO centre-board ??
Apparently these boards were and are MUCH better for learning on ....
Remember the short board craze in the 80's almost killed the sport ...

BIC Vivaces 270, 282 and 290 (1994-1997) - 263 & 275 later ... 299 carbon version (277?)
    supposed to be very FAST - freerace ?? some marked "racetech"
    sounds like slalom boards to me
    may have had trimm fins

Vivace 290 - 120 litres 290x58 cm
Vivace 282 - 112 litres 282x55 cm
Vivace 270 -   96 litres 270x56 cm
Vivace 275 -   96 litres 275x54 cm
Vivace 263 -   81 litres 263x?? cm
Vivace 299 - 141 litres 299x56 cm

BIC Saxos (1995-1997) - some called them banana boards and I can see why
    they were all quite low in litres and can only imagine them in wave settings

Saxo 253 - 75 litres
Saxo 265 - 85 litres
Saxo 270 - 94 litres

BIC Melody (1998-2000) longboard - great starter board
     350x68cm and 220 liters

BIC Techno 283 (2000-2006?) Originally designed for freeride racing. One Design Junior.
    It is 152 liters and 283x69 cm with a dagger/centre-board and 9 kilos.
    Seems there were two versions and the carbon version is closer to 8 kilos.
    Thus it can be used as a starter board too - taking you to planing, straps, etc

BIC Techno E/Evolution - 112/M & 135/L (2001-2006 ??)
    trimm box and no dagger-board
112M - 263x63cm 8 kilos
135L - 263x69cm 10 kilos ??

BIC Techno Formula (2001/2009??) - wide @ 94 cm and using trimm fin at first
    and tuttle later
    Kevin Pritchard seemed to have something to do with this board !!
    wrote about it  » bic-techno-formula.html
    the board can take long fins and large sails - the beginning of Formula
    it is perhaps the foundation for the Novas as well

I managed to have some fun on mine - especially in light winds with a 10 m² sail

BIC Formula FV 1.2 (2001??)
160 liters 267x87.5 cm with 62 cm OFO
sailed by Kevin Pritchard ?? and designed by Mike's Lab ??
which came first BIC Techno Formula, the FV1.2 ??
another video disappears - farque farque farque Brave New World ^&*()

In 2018 on seabreeze forum I discovered the BIC FW 1.4 from Kevin Pritchard !!
thanks Zoltan !!

obviously 170 liters, but still need to find the dimensions ...

BIC Daytona (2005) Formula Board - called FW 1.5 
 (apparently there was also 1.3 & 1.4 - smaller versions - 1.3 140 liters ?)
260x100cm with 165 liters deep tuttle with 70 cm fin - first Formula board ?? Nah - SB 1999
    found this one MANY months after having started this post !!

BIC Techno 293 OD (2005 ? -2017) World's Largest Windsurfing Class !!
   with more volume at 205 litres, 293 cm length and 79 cm width = stability
   add to that a 60 cm daggerboard and no issues going upwind and back to start
   can take a newbie from learning to racing - sounds like a Kona One that came later ?

BIC Techno 2's  - 118, 133, 148, 160 & 160D - (2006-2017)
    "early planing , fast and good upwind"
    sounds like freeride of today  - "versatile and durable" = even better
    buddy paid less for a BIC Techno 160 and sold for more than me and my AHD FF 160
    the 160 I saw had a layer on the board with a strange edging - also felt odd floaty
    these ones definitely had the power box fins
BIC Techno 118L - 249x67cm - 8 kilos
BIC Techno 133L - 250x70cm - 9 kilos
BIC Techno 148L - 264x75cm - 10 kilos
BIC Techno 160L - 255x82cm - 12.5 kilos
BIC Techno 160D - same as 160, but with the dagger = NICE !! (and 11 kilos ??)
also saw something about a 185 and 205 ??
BIC Techno 185D - 293x79cm with Dagger = 12.5 kilos sounds like the Techno 293D!!
BIC Techno 205D - this one for sure is just another name for the 293 ...
BIC Techno 240D - 297x92cm with Dagger = 15.5 kilos = BIG

BIC Cores - (2010-2015??) are these just "cheaper" versions of the Techno ??
    Local shop has a brand new Core 112 for $600 !!
    112/133/148/160D/293D ...

BIC Nova 165/180/240D (2006-2017??) - soft EVA deck
    - often with Dagger & deep tuttle
    - excellent beginner boards - choose based on weight
    165L - 255x82cm
    170D/180L - 239x90cm
    240L - 297x92cm

BIC Hybrid 240 OD (2009??-2013??) - sounds like a bigger 293, non ?
    actually seems to be the OD progression board FROM the 293
    as sailors get older and heavier
    at that size and volume, it should be good for all sailors in many conditions
    308cmx82 with dagger board

BIC Beach 175D/225D (2010-2017) - wide, long boards with lotsa volume and NOT expensive
    great for schools and learning ...
    especially with daggers, handles, etc

175L - 285x78 cm they say it is for light weight - should work for all
225L - 297x92cm say it is for heavweights - should work for many more

BIC Jungle WindSUP (2010-2014 ??) - apparently has a saber dagger ...
    10'10" for some reason, the SUPs are measured the old way
    for me that's about 325 cm and a good longboard length
    it's about 175 liters and only 72 cm wide - narrow as a SUP ??


BIC WindSUP Ace-Tec - (2015-2017) back to imperial 10'6" and 11'6" models
    10'6" is 315 cm and width is 31.5" or ~78 cm with 185 liters and 29 pounds/13 kilos
    11'6" is 330 cm and width is 32.5" or ~81 cm with 215 liters and 33 pounds/15 kilos
    which for me means long AND wide ...
    Franco Ittiandro in MTL has one and seems to love it - had issue with skin peeling in heat
BIC Inflatable WindSUP Air - (2015-2017) 10'6" model, but 33" wide
    300 liters and 23.5 pounds

BIC Hydrofoil (2016-2017) - along with Kerfoils developed for the Techno 133 & 148
    on a 70 cm mast, which sounds long, but there are longer ones

definitely used some info from here:

pretty clear they had many boards and were an influence on the windsurf sport
great for beginners and youth races !!

to see what BIC has now :

you see - missed at least one already !! feels like a NEVER ending post !!!

BIC Calypso
     320x65 cm and 175 liters

and of course another one:
BIC Tribal

BIC Adiago

BIC Lambada - since there is some interest on this one .. will update it now
     (1991-1995) 200 liters 340x66 cm and 16 kilos with daggerboard
     comments found about the board ...
     "worst board ever"
      aimed at one design ??
      big brother of the Samba and great learner board - uphauling, tacking, etc
      also called all-round race

well, wouldn't you know it, there is NO limit to the number of boards that BIC has made ...
in other words, many moons later I have encountered yet another board -
this one seems to be 110 liters and 62 cm wide - yes, blast in higher winds ...

and this one seems to be 140 liters and 261x74cm from kijiji


  1. Cdn Guy told me in another post:

    Astro rock was my 2nd shortboard and the first board I ever did a planing jibe on. Amazing.

    I still use my sister's Veloce 328 to teach small beginners, or for intermediates getting back out on the water:

    I am glad to be rid of my vivace 270 though, that board was too fast / narrow / scary.

    The Techno 148 was the official board of the HiHo races in the 1990s - 2012.

    And my Techno 148 is now my foil board. Overall I agree, an amazing family of boards.

  2. How does Lambada fit in this lineup? I just got one and I was wanderings about the specs and attended purpose for us model.

    1. hey since i kept finding more n more BIC boards
      those that were found last and had less info were left as is
      now i have researched the Lambada and updated it
      this is simply google search n patience

  3. How does Lambada fit in this lineup? I just got one and I was wanderings about the specs and attended purpose for this model.

  4. Hi, I've bought a 'BIC Rock 'n Roll' surfboard on an auxion sale. But I found out it did'nt include a mast foot. Do you know what mast foot we need for this board and if those are still for sale? Hope to hear from you.

  5. Acabo de comprar una bic Melody 350,para iniciarme.a quien la e comprado no me a podido comentar nada.alguien sabe algo más????

  6. Don't forget about the Bic 750. My first "short" board - it was pretty darn fast a lot of fun to ride!

  7. Any idea where I can find a Bic Mast base for a Bic Rumba?

  8. WOW what a nice article. Thanks Joe alway fascinated to read you!!!

  9. Hey guys. I got a BIC Venice 328, like on the picture above, with dagger board and in ok condition.
    Would you give me a (1) hint how to move the mast and (2) what kind of fin to look for (it is lacking one ...)
    Thank you.


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