Starboard HyperNut 4 in 1

I must be getting old, slow or both ...
This board seems to have been around a while now
yet I seem to be just hearing about it now ...
As the name suggests, one is supposed to do these four things on the one board
SUP, Windsurf, Windfoil and SUP foil ... hmmm

The board is longer than I anticipated and maybe a bit lacking in litres (for SUPping)

131 liters is the one I was looking at ...8'0" x 31.5" - why back to imperial and stay in liters for the volume ?? size is imperial which translates into 243.8 cm x 80 cm and is what we are used to

I am guessing NOTHING beats a REAL windsurf foil board at this time !!

Magic Ride Fix

Buddy "Magic Ride" from the great West of the U. S. busted his favourite board
and did a really nice DIY fix-it job !!

I will let the pictures speak for themselves !! Clique the pics !!
Think it is a Naish StarShip and probably 115 litres ...

UWT Lac Champlain - Les Roches

Force5 de QuebecWind m'a envoyé une cadeau que j'aimerais partager avec tout le monde !!
Le monde ont parlé de plus que 30 noeuds et des planches moin que 90 litres ...
Et 86 planchistes ??
Wow , wow et WOW
mais regardes les fotos !!! et double clique svp !!

ah oui - la date ?? samedi le 14 septembre 2019
après "Friday the 13th" :-)

Voilà la lien d'arnaud: