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Montreal WindSurf Shops - they ship !!

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Just thought I would put in a good word for the local shops.
Even though they are NOT helping me make money with my blog :-)

It is IMPORTANT to note that even if these shops are in Montreal, many of them do internet on-line business - often shipping in North America is free. This business is often what keeps the shops afloat - pardon the pun ...

The ONLY windsurf shop left near MTL in 2024 is:

OOPS.. in 2024 I also found -->
and they have FutureFly S2Maui, etc !!
auventfou is well known for their supply of used equipment - from learner to expert stuff.
Yvan and René just recently added Tabou boards to their line of new stuff.
They can be found just east of the Island in the Industrial sector...
CLOSED in the summer of 2019 - we will miss them !!

2-rad now has a good stock of Fanatic boards and SUPs.
Bruno is well known for his expert board repairs and speed on the water.
He can be found in the industrial sector just off Côte Vertu.
CLOSED spring of 2023 and Bruno joined WindSpirit = another one bites the dust !!

30noeuds is on the South Shore.
They carry some interesting things like windskates...

WindSpirit is also on the South Shore, but a little further :-(
They have the largest windsurf board repair shop in town ...
Benoit Gauthier used to be the board shaper for Wind Obsession boards !!

In case I forget - for Angulo boards and Gun Sails ...
Speak to Bruno Courtemanche of VoileLibre ...
He works out of Sherbrooke ...
Spoke to Bruno and he says they are going away from Angulo boards.
This year Josh is moving from Boston to Florida as well ...
"Jesus loves you" Voile Libre seems GONE tooo - since 2016 ?? as per LinkedIn

Sharks used to have windsurf equipment, but seem to have switched to the kite world.
They are still known for a good selection of water wear.
Their shop is in Laval ...

For sail repair it is NOT quite as convenient as having all these choices ...
They seem to hang around the SouthShore near the Granby Zoo :-(
Another option is to leave them with the local shops - and WAIT :-(
Moral of the story - don't bust your sail !!

Loopee used to be here near Montreal
but now is in Maryland ??

what about Kingston ? none found !!

and Toronto ??

StarBoard has Inflatable Sailboard that planes !!

La première planche windsurf freeride gonflable... by Wind_Magazine

Auch hier - auf Deutsch:

Since AIRPLANES are marked as 2016, I looked up the price. Listed near MTL/YUL @ ~$2300 CDN 

Here's a fresh link on analysis of the "board"

Here the board is doing loops !!

In WindSurfing NOW Magazine 02.1 of early 2016 there was an article on the SB AirPlane. There was also a small section on gear trends. Entry level boards now not only have WindSUPs, but also what they are calling inflatable multi-sport boards. Examples are as follows:

Fanatic Viper Air

Naish Crossover Air

StarBoard WindSUP

Progressive Boards Party Barge
The Progressive Boards Party Barge is slated as 1000 liters and can be used as a kind of kayak with seats and paddles, a SUP for two, an optional motor, a windsurfer for one or a windsurfer for two.

To me it seems pretty obvious that they are ALL selling FUN in the SUN 

Now that we are in 2016, the inflatables are actually being used for speed tests !!

the board stiffness starts at the base. some people are considering hard bottoms on the inflatables
here is a discussion:

Duo Boards - Mat Pendle from on Vimeo.

and here is another PR/ marketing video

Duo Boards - Cesare Cantagalli I-99 from on Vimeo.