When I went over the parts of a windsurf board/sailboard discussed on this blog, i figured i had covered ALL the parts of the kit. NOT. There is always something that eludes us. And so , I discovered that i wrote little or nothing on the subject of mast bases and extensions. I started writing down some ideas and came up with WAY more than expected ... AND in 2017 , this STILL appears to be the MOST popular post on my "blog" !!!!
OK, let's get rollin' ....
Way back when , mast bases and extensions were proprietary. UNFORTUNATELY. I have some old long boards that when the mast base breaks, the board is NO LONGER usable #$%^&*() BIC, Mistral, Fanatic and surely others ALL had their version of the mast base. Many of the early extensions did NOT have pulley systems either.
Here is an example of the original Windsurfer mast base:
When the portion on the right ,which inserts into the board, breaks, one can no longer go out on the water. Fortunately this one looks like it is made out of wood and as such, can be replaced by a handyman or workshop. This is NOT always the case, as you will see below ...
Now let me post the pics of my early stuff:
BIC Dufour Wing had two(2) "holes" in the board where the mast base could be inserted. My plastic clips broke and I replaced them with metal cauter pins.
On the right you can see the mast base, extension and how I added the pulleys: I actually figured that part out myself. Local shop used rivets, but that did NOT hold. I use small nuts n bolts instead as seen in the picture below:.
With old mast base proprietary parts it is important to plan for the worst - loss or breakage and often people try to use the old connector with a more modern top connection for a standard mast extension !!!
The Mistral Equipe had a specialized bolt that locked onto the carriage on the mast track, which is depicted on the left. The "bolt" locks by twisting the red TAB. The base and extension are ONE piece which is not practical. At least the idea of a pulley system was started ....

OK, let's get rollin' ....
Way back when , mast bases and extensions were proprietary. UNFORTUNATELY. I have some old long boards that when the mast base breaks, the board is NO LONGER usable #$%^&*() BIC, Mistral, Fanatic and surely others ALL had their version of the mast base. Many of the early extensions did NOT have pulley systems either.
Here is an example of the original Windsurfer mast base:
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from HitTheWave |
Now let me post the pics of my early stuff:
BIC Dufour Wing had two(2) "holes" in the board where the mast base could be inserted. My plastic clips broke and I replaced them with metal cauter pins.
On the right you can see the mast base, extension and how I added the pulleys: I actually figured that part out myself. Local shop used rivets, but that did NOT hold. I use small nuts n bolts instead as seen in the picture below:.
With old mast base proprietary parts it is important to plan for the worst - loss or breakage and often people try to use the old connector with a more modern top connection for a standard mast extension !!!
The Mistral Equipe had a specialized bolt that locked onto the carriage on the mast track, which is depicted on the left. The "bolt" locks by twisting the red TAB. The base and extension are ONE piece which is not practical. At least the idea of a pulley system was started ....

The Fanatic Ultra CAT had a completely different mast track and base.
Once again, I felt I needed standard mast base for standard extensions and made the following adjustments:
Unfortunately this mast base had a "hook" on only one side and as such broke. Naturally I was able to glue it, but confidence was low on durability.
Here is a picture of my mast base from what i called my BIC Samba. When it broke, i threw it and the water logged board out. At that time it was the best board for newbies up at the lake :-(
And so, the good news was/is that eventually a standard mast track was used on short boards, long boards, etc which allowed for a standard mast base...
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from StarBoard |
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isthmus sailboards |
So, you can see that already many different concepts have been discussed here and there are many more to go. The base is NOT a piece to be overlooked. It carries or holds the infamous universal joint - non, not marijuana !! It is the rubber piece that made the mobile sail possible and as such - windsurfing !!!
The mast base has three(3) major parts. The portion that connects to the board - more or less standard now, the universal joint or a variation there-of and the actual base that connects to the mast extension . We have discussed the portion that connects to the board... One thing I have not mentioned yet is that not only is there a single bolt attachment, but there is also a two(2) bolt plate system that is used to attach the base to the board. It is not as flexible in terms of adjusting while out on the water, but never breaks and if one has a plate on each board, the boards can be interchanged very quickly .... Actually I just discovered that the bottom of the top piece in a 2 bolt system can be used to loosen and tighten the hex bolts !! And so, CAN be adjusted when out on the water !!! Also, one puts a plate between the mast base and the board - some plates like Nautix say they act as a shock "absorber". Mostly I guess the plate acts to not scratch the board as one tightens the base to the track...
And now for the universal joint portion. For quite some time it was typically the hour glass solid rubber version:

Not sure when or how it happened, the next step up seemed to be the narrow rubber piece called a tendon. This one seems to need replacement more often than the original hour glass version. It is good for slalom since it is stiff, solid and very mobile. Here is what it looks like.
And then eventually there was a version called the mechanical joint:
Personally I use this one for very wide boards - mine is 93 cm wide. The board can lie flat on the water with the joint angled at 90 degrees. Since typically large sails are used with wide boards, the large sail can lie in the water while the extension is attached to the base. Some people feel these bases lose less energy and may actually be faster !!! I have no data to prove or disprove that..
In 2017 Starboard starting using mechanical joints on their WindSUPs as they put less stress on the board when the sail is lying down in the water ...
In the past the extension was often part n parcel of the mast base. Now we need to down-haul with some force and as such it is impractical to have the base attached permanently to the extension. Instead there are various ways of attaching the base to the extension. The two(2) most common are called U.S. and Euro pin connections. Currently it seems the Euro pin is gaining popularity. With cold hands the U.S. cup is often more difficult to remove. Remember , we do NOT want anything to come apart too easily since it MUST all remain together on the water !!!
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Chinook |
As you can see in the image on the left, the U.S. system is with two(2) pins that are compressed at the same time in order to release. This connection is solid and has no issues with sand or dirt. What does seem to happen over time is: the "holes" on the extension seem to enlarge over time and allow for some movement. As already mentioned, this connection is sometimes difficult to remove with cold hands. If the two(2) bolt system is used, there is an alternative way to remove the base ...
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Chinook |
This one is the Euro or European pin. It snaps onto the mast extension and releases easily with one push on a button. For cold hands some people swear by them. Some people warn about getting sand and/or dirt in the connection. People suggest that the uni MUST be machined from one piece of stainless steel. Names like Chinook, Streamlined and Severne are batted around as being the BEST and most ROBUST. As mentioned earlier - this is NOT a piece of equipment you want to have issues with on the water $%^&*()

Now that we have discussed the "standard" mast bases with some minor exceptions, let's look at the other exceptions !!! Some companies have begun to incorporate more serious shock absorption in their mast extensions!! The North base is called North SHOX XTR and has been around since about 2009. Naturally it requires its own proprietary base !!!..
North Sails seem to have a few other different connections as well !!!
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2013 NorthSails Extensions from mpora |
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Extension Pins from Boardseeker |
Why are these companies making so many different options. Once you lock yourself in on one, you are stuck. They better NOT change it afterwards #$%^&*()_
In terms of materials ... the nut at the base of the mast base is typically made of brass. My understanding is that this is to reduce rust and corrosion potential - especially from salt water... On one of my mast bases the portions that attach to the tendon are made of metal. This should NEVER crack or break. Somewhere in this discussion i mention that the Euro pin should be made from one solid piece of stainless steel. Tendons and parts need to be verified to ensure NO cracks or issues and replace as necessary !!! In case of issues, mast bases have safety lines !!
One company that seems to have very solid mast bases {and extensions} is "Streamlined". Unfortunately they are NOT available in Canada...
So , let us review the modern mast base options before discussing the mast extensions...
Summary: Modern windsurf or sail boards have standard mast tracks with a different standard on the race long boards with sliding mast track. For the standard mast track there are the single bolt and two bolt plate options. With the two bolt plate you lose just a little bit of mast base placement on both ends of the track - about 2 cm. The universal standard is the hourglass, the tendon and the mechanical joint. For an average joe windsurfer like myself, I feel NO difference on these options. At the top of the mast base the standards are U.S. cup/2 pin and Euro pin. The exceptions in the middle of the mast base and at the top are NP and NorthSails/NS.
...And now on to the mast extension discussion...
Once you have chosen your mast base for your board, you obviously have already made your choice in terms of mast extension connection, as they MUST obviously fit WELL together !!! We have already seen that today NP has their own MXT system and North has their SHOX system. The rest are U.S. cup or Euro pin...
In case you did not know, there are SDM and RDM masts. SDM is standard diameter and RDM is reduced diameter. Luckily the same mast base can be used for either SDM or RDM mast extensions.
Extensions are made of aluminium alloy or carbon. Carbon is obviously more money and actually more fragile. Personally i have rarely seen people use carbon mast extensions !!!
Mast extensions come in various lengths and few are available with zero downhaul. Typical lengths are 12, 28 and 42 cm. Some people say one should use the shortest extension needed and not more. Others like myself, simply purchase the 40 cm extensions and know we are good to go !!! There are some extensions available as long as 48 cm. There are also 40 cm carbon mast extenders. Some people like myself are NOT so sure about such beasts. It changes the mast curve and may place stress on the mast for boom, cambers, etc on areas that were not designed for that !!!
Mpora or boardseeker did a mast extension analysis recently and i will put a link here and use the article as a base for this discussion ... http://www.boardseekermag.com/equipment/mast-extension-test/ The article has good comparison criteria, butt the link to the test results does NOT work #$%^&*(

The parts of a mast extension are as follows: rope, pulley, extension itself with different length settings, clip or pin to change length, and cap at the top. At the right is a Chinook extension which seems to come with no rope/string. I use the Spectra down-haul rope that costs about $1 per foot and put about 6 feet on each extension.
Where it says base is where one connects the mast base. One extension i had - the plastic base cracked.I believe the reason for that was the pulleys were incorporated into the plastic base. I put electrical tape around it and keep it as a spare ...
There are variations of the adjustable collar and there used to be versions with a pin. Even if the pin comes attached to a string, it feels impracticable. Now it seems all the companies are going with variations of the clamp-on collar - all in plastic from what i have seen.
One of the issues with extensions is the measurements.The distance from pulley to sail pulley is NOT the same extension to extension. Just as not all 490 cm masts are 490 cm !! It is important to double check the measurements. They used to go in 5 cm increments, but i believe they are practically all in 2 cm increments now.
The biggest differences between extensions seems to be in the pulleys. Streamlined actually offers bearings inside the pulleys - for an extra fee of course. The pulleys vary in alignment , size, etc. Personally there are two(2) extensions i would like to try - the NP UXT and the Streamlined extension with bearings. Both of these are NOT readily available in Montreal, Canada. Since i do not have many videos in this post, I will put one here of Rik with a NP UXT (universal extension)... And now videos are disappearing on the web $%^&*( I download fotos to avoid this issue - now will do the same with videos !!!
Neil Pryde UXT Evo Mast Base System from RiksWS on Vimeo.
Well, here is a photo:
Those pulleys are aligned so as to be as close to the sail pulley alignment as possible. Some pulleys are at 90 degrees to the extension and others are parallel, making it necessary to follow a certain methodology so as NOT to overlap the lines.. They also say bigger pulleys allow more force ...
One thing that is ODD is that most sails rig with the mast on the right. This means the pulley system is set up to rig to this sail. However, there are once again exceptions. I have not yet discussed Severne. Not only do they rig with the mast on the left, butt they also have more pulleys on their race sails. This obliges you to purchase their masts and extensions to match the sail. Personally I find this inconvenient and a deterrent for people to switch to Severne !! Let's try to be consistent brand to brand and universal !!!
This video looks like it describes the above mast extension:
In Sept 2014 I managed to take my old Mistral extension apart and this is what it looked like ...
North has about the only system which can be considered adjustable downhaul on the water. You still need to stop and get off, but it is do-able. Also, there is NO muscle or major pulling required whilst cranking the downhaul... Since this is from North-Sails, i anticipate this video will NOT go away !! Personally find all these cranks a bit expensive. Even a manual crank is about $40 +
and here is the North Sails SHOX system which is to be like a shock absorber ...
In terms of threading a mast extension with the sail ....
The post on masts contains my explanation
and here is another:
Have discovered that there is NO RDM 48 cm extension UNLESS one purchases the carbon version. People are saying non-carbon version is available, but NONE in my town ...
There are plenty of downhaul tools or people loop the rope around an object and pull from there. People have hurt themselves with screwdrivers and hammers doing this.The worst I have heard is twelve stitches from using this plastic downhaul tool ^&*()
Here are some acceptable downhaul tools. I have had issues with one where the clamp clew was only on one side - suggest always using one with them on both sides ..

David Ezzy shows us how to safely loop the rope in order to downhaul with what we have about:
what if very little extension is required - like 5 cm or less ??
In 2018 I tried a Reix Competition D2/DIV2 , but the mast base separated from the board and I the board $%^&*() Also spent two(2) damn hours in the cold water before being rescued. Afterwards people told me that one should attach the mast base to the board so they would NEVER come completely apart .
Oh well - no more D2/DIV2 for me unless it has a track ...
Did find a Lechner 390 missing its mast base and so asked on facebook what the mast base looks like - looks like NOTHING I have seem before - so, unless one has the base a DIV2 is useless ??
SAD and THAT is why i HATE proprietary mast bases #$%^&*()_
This one is busted, but even the base looks like it needs some TLC !!
OLD proprietary CRAP $%^&*()
Well, here we are in December 2021 and I am still learning about the mast base parts ...
This here is an adapter which allows you to have a Euro pin mast base and US type extensions !! Makes the conversion from US cup to Euro pin so much less painful in $$$
However, as we are in COVID times and windsurfing is dying in North America - they are nowhere to be found except perhaps loopee !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please accept my apologies for NOT answering all the questions in the comments
Parts are definitely getting more n more difficult to find
and you may have noticed I do HATE proprietary connection pieces $%^&*(
Alright, I bought a mistral diamond head and I've got everything except for a mast base and extension. Is it even possible to get one for this board? If so, what do I get?
ReplyDeletethe connection and track look VERY much like my Mistral Equipe
i have seen those bases on e-bay at times
until then you can do what i did
made a plate that fits in the track, put a hole in the middle of the plate and put a standard mast base on
you lose the adjustment on the fly, but ...
if you are in Montreal - you can borrow mine
i mostly use the plate
Hi Joe! I'm a newbie to windsurfing just bought a old mistral board ( single hole lock system), but the mast base that I have is the U.S type, so no way of attaching it to the board, what I did was to first attach a wooden base, wich had unfortunately to be fixed by means of a ribbon around the board and then fix the mast base on the borad, b, Do you reccomend any other typ way of attaching it as I don´t know how to lock the base in one siingle hole system Paulo from Brazil, thanks in advance
ReplyDeleteHey Paulo from Brazil:
DeleteUnfortunately the single hole systems were proprietary. As such, I always warn people that they ensure they have the mast base to go with the board. On a mistral with a track, I was able to mount a metal plate under the track and attach a standard US base. Sometimes people sell mast bases on local websites and/or e-bay. If someone in the area had one, you could use it to make a negative mold and then make another base... I have thrown boards out when the base became too much of a PITA to repair. So, unfortunately i do NOT have the answer you seek !!! You need to hunt and seek - there are plenty of people who windsurf in Brazil who may be able to help you locally ...
Lotsa Luck
joe windsurfer
Aloha Dimitris,
ReplyDeleteYes, one of my objectives with this blog is promoting "old school" windsurfing. Ironically the BIC Dufour Wing post is still the one MOST frequented.. If you wanna windsurf no matter - the old stuff still rocks - especially when you live in non-windsurf places ie not Hawaii, the Gorge, etc ...
Is it necessary to use the aluminum extension if the mast base by itself is a long enough setup for the sail?
ReplyDelete- Mike
that is a tougher question than you realize
Deletei have tried this on older BIC stuff and it was ok
when i tried it on newer carbon mast, I felt it was too loose
there are a few mast extensions that boast zero extension
Hi, Great Blog
ReplyDeleteI bought my self complete rig of this Bic set up 1995 , spare pins I bought extra in one of the windsurf shops near toronto Silent sport or Board Sport.
I am 220 lbs I bought a BIC Nova board in 2003 and it seems way better than Bic Core 293 or 160 I tried few months ago on vacation.
But Bic Dufour set up I had a good success to get several family members up windsurfing and still using for my kits to get better, for new people I found better be slow on raising -uphaul sail up , do it with your feet not your back-keep back straight do it with a bend in your knees.
I had from 8 to 4.7 sq meters on it , and did good , slippery surface and no foot straps is a bummer. Once you start hiking slowly to the back of the board and get fast that was good time for me to move on to newer board when I could afford.
Single or double piece mast any older one will work I used extensions with out pulleys to try different sails.
Its cool to find a ways to revive old boards. :)
Thanks K
Thanks K
DeleteYou are NOT far from where I "grew up"
Was in Keswick, at Lake Simcoe BEFORE windsurfing was popular
new boards are fun, but so are the "old" ones !!!
longboards are a prime example !!!
Hi Joe,
ReplyDeleteFantastic info! I have read a few of your blogs now, and being new to windsurfing have learned a lot! Thank you!
I too have found my way to a Mistral boards. A Bermuda and now a Mistral Competition Light, but she is missing the centre board. I have looked everywhere but haven't found this yet. The Bermuda is different in that it can be fully extended, partially or completed retracted while sailing. The Light can only be fully extended from what I'm told. Thus the Bermuda centre board doesn't fit.
I found one from another older board that is close and after reading your other blogs and researching the net, was thinking of using epoxy to build it up and sand to the right size.
I would rather have the actual centre board but haven't been able to find one.
Wondering if you would have any ideas where to locate one?
I have checked ebay, kijiji ,as well as:
Delta Windsurf etc etc.
Any ideas would be appreciated!
I suggest you post a search on forums like iwindsurf and ask local shop --> auventfou. They carry the most "older" stuff locally. Did not know there was a Competition Light ....
DeleteThanks Joe< I will check them out. The Light feels 1/2 to 1/3 as heavy as the Bermuda.
DeleteNoticed your comment and picture of what you called your Bic Samba base. I have the identical base on my Martin board. The tendon broke on the base. Otherwise, everything works fine. Do you have any idea if anyone makes these tendons anymore, or if there are any old boards/bases out there still? It is a good stable board and great for learning in lighter winds. Any help would be appreciated. Haven't noticed any old parts like that on other sites.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Tom
DeleteWhen I had that board I estimated that it was from about 1992.
My colleague busted the base and I had so much of an issue putting it back together, I scrapped the board and base. The board had become water logged by that time anyway. The only thing i can suggest is to post a picture on iwindsurf forum. Someone may know where to get such a part or even have one laying about ...
Hi! I just picked up a Hi Fly that's 20+ years old. (picked it up for free at the curb) It was used 2x. Unfortunately the mast base's white, flexible, inner rubber piece is hard and has broken. It is the same piece as one that's pictured above. I think you referred to it as your BIC Samba. (red and black, white flex rubber inside) Is there any hope of replacing that piece? Everything is there, and the only thing wrong is the mast base's inside piece.
ReplyDeleteas stated above for anonymous
Deletemast base is weak link
NOT easy to fix or find replacement parts
check local shops, windsurf forums, etc
Hey Joe!
DeleteI found an old Mistral extension and base like the one you took apart above. I have a larger sail with 3 pulleys and wondered where you start the rope? Chinnocks have a hole to thread rope and through then go through the pulleys and finally lock through the cleat. The Mistral doesn't seem to have that starting place. Is that what the little rope loop is for?
As my Mistral board is older, I took the smaller red mast base off as you did above and did the same with my plastic original base as the extension was only around 10 cm. I found an extension that worked with the original, but it didn't have the two pulleys and trying to use the original with only one pulley that was also the cleat made the rope bind.
Well SoulSurfer you got me there - you know how long it's bin/been since I rigged the MEQ like this??
in the image you can see I used all the rolls and it looks like I tied it around the outside first - will try again later in the week ...
just put a U.S. base in the middle if you are lazy like me :-)
Thanks I didn't think of that. Using the centre pulley worked but it was tough to get that last piece past through it to lock it in the cleat.
DeleteWhat is the loop of rope for? If not the starting point - is it a safety catch, similar to the that small black plug you lock into the board so if the base comes out it holds the sail close to the board?
Update (edited), I'm pretty sure that loop is for the safety plug that goes the the second hole on the Bermuda and Light boards.
DeleteI also tied the main rope around the bottom as you suggested and although haven't had a chance to rig it yet, think it will hold well.
Thanks again!
We are in desperate need of what's needed to attach our sail to our 1980 bic windsurfer. Any suggestions on where to find what we need. The universal joint and the part below it I believe is what we need.
ReplyDeletei imagine you mean the BIC Dufour red mast base ?
Deletehave been considering making them and distributing them, but NON, have no idea where you can get one . THAT is why one MUST buy the base with the board and NOT lose it
Any chance you or a blogger has a spare Original Windsurfer Mast
ReplyDeleteExtension to replace mine which is at the bottom of the lake? Looks like the wooden one at the top of your post but is made of steel/fiberglass etc.
NOT me...
Deletehowever, just recently i seem to have seen something recently on kijiji/craiglist or e-bay. In the world, they are MOST used down under in Ozstralia. Perhaps try the seabreeze forum ??
and suggest you give an idea of your location ...
Thanks. In Coeur d'Alene, Id
ReplyDeleteHave looked at bay, crags and kiijii w/o success and not sure how to contact Australia folks. Will try seabreeze.
i put a post on iwindsurf since you are in Idaho
will put one on seabreeze as well
auzzie says fill the void
ReplyDeleteHave a 1984 O'Brien Freesail Alpha sailboard.
Rubber tendon in the joint between mast & hull is broken. Hadn't used it in many years, and was getting ready to sell it when the tendon failed as I was assembling it (due to old age.) Everything else is in great shape; stored indoors.
1) Any possibility of finding replacement tendons after 31 years?
2)Or any cheap way to retrofit another system?
3) Or should I sell it/give it away as a paddleboard?
double checked with you
Deleteand as you could NOT find a tendon/joint you gave it away
sorry to hear it bud :-)
Hello, I'm taking the cheap route to beginner windsurfing equipment, and I'm looking for some experienced help. I just made a custom brass nut to update my aluminum sliding mast track to a one bolt mast base on my old longboard. My two sails use different mast diameters and each extension uses a cup union. I'm stuck with one sail because a seized/blocked push pin is tying up my only mast base. Any ideas for freeing this unit? If I destroy the push pin to remove it, can it be easily replaced?
ReplyDeleteif your base looks like this:
it is a standard US mast cup/base
if you force it in - it should not break
spray with high pressure hose , blow water thru holes
if it does break - pin should be available
like from a mail order place if no shops near
ReplyDeleteThis is a great informative blog, thanks.
Bought a Mistral equipe ´93 and hope to use this converter...
At Isthmus sailboards they say it fits but it is not a 100% perfect fit, there is a slight bit of play up and down once the pin is installed.
Bad idea ?
that is an expensive option and I would NOT like up n down play...
Deleteperhaps you may light to try what I did with my Mistral Equipe I - put a metal plate inside the track
okay, you lose some on the fly adjustment, but ...
perhaps ask isthmus if you can return it when NOT satisfied ??
good luck
I just bought a tiga board and need a mast base. Any ideas? To me it looks like a mistral sliding unit. I know almost nothing about the different bases.
ReplyDeletequite often the BIC n Tiga mast bases are discussed together
Deleteit seems the BIC bases can still be purchased
they looks something like this
if you measure inside, someone will be able to confirm if it will work or not
THIS is why it is SO important to at least discuss mast attachment on older boards
i typically start with the original and then modify it to at least have pulleys and ideally modern / standard mast base ...
Hey there joe, quick question. If you were missing one of the blue coupling components for the mistral equipe LCS XR, specifically the one that holds the actual mast in place on the mast extention. Could you replace it with something else similar... Like from Home Depot? Or do I need to search for 1980's windsurfing parts for the exact one?
ReplyDeleteHi joe,
ReplyDeleteI was recently given a mistral equipe LCS XR board with original sail and all. I am missing the longest blue component on the mast extention so the mast pole is not secure. Could I find an equally fitting piece to attach it at Home Depot? Any ideas? Trying to get at least 1 good ride before winter:/. Will i be doomed to wander vintage trading boards for this one little part forever?
Will assume you have the part that holds the mast up, but not the part that goes inside the mast. If I still had one, you could have it. My current Mistral Equipe II has a different mast extension. If my assumption is correct, perhaps you could put some duct tape layer under mast ?
DeleteTwo people have received equipment with me including the mast extension you describe. One is near Toronto and another is near Montreal. Send me your e-mail which I will NOT publish and I will give you their e-mails.
Good Luck
or you can always make a metal plate to go in track and use standard Chinook mast extension:
btw the track does NOT need to be removed to put in metal plate. Just make it less than track and slide it in :-)
DeleteHi Joe,
ReplyDeleteGreat piece, brought back some memories!
You don't mention the different top pin types here. I'm using and many people are North/Euro pins. I just picked up a load of second hand spares and one of the UJ's had a pin I don't recognise, it's shorter than the North/Euro. I'd send you a pic if I could. OA length of pin 35mm, height of bottom edge of notch is 15mm. What is it? name brand etc... I might be abel to find an adapter to make ti work on one of my mast extenders.
Many thanks,
Hi Joe! So I have an old fanatic Fox and a fanatic bat lite. They have that sliding mast track. I just bought a modern rig and would like to use my new sail but the only way I can from what I'm told us to get a piece of brass (found one 12 inches long, two inches wide and 1/4 inch thick) and machine holdh in it for the mounting screws. Then tap and die it with 8mm x 1.25 porch threads for the mast base Ep I have. Is this the only way to convert my old board or is there another way you have heard of? And and all help would be appreciated!!
ReplyDeleteHi - I’m looking to replace my mast from an old Ten Cate 12’ Board that has the same mast base as shown as the wooden one presented above (except it is plastic). I’d like to find out how I can convert the base to use a modern mast/sail. Currently we use the 12’ Board as a SUP - totally fun except the existing sail is very heavy and difficult.
ReplyDeleteHello Joe,
ReplyDeleteI just dug out a 1986-7 Fanatic Cat from my earlier days. Everything looks great, but there's no mast track at all! I was thinking of shaping an insert (21.5" x 2.75" X .5") and gluing it into the 'hole' and then screwing something to that to hold the bottom of the mast. Just going to muck about in the harbor on it for fun. Any suggestions?
Hello Joe, I have a late 80's Tiga Fun Cup. It has been in storage since 1990. I seem to have misplaced the mast foot. I have the mast extension, dagger board, boom, foot straps, sails, etc. and otherwise it would be ready for my son to learn the sport. Any suggestions for finding a replacement mast foot, are there other brands that would work besides Tiga?
ReplyDeleteHi Joe,
ReplyDeleteI´m looking for Magnum 370 mast base. It´s to my board from about 1980.
Can you help me to find a base?
Best regards
Gudmundur - Iceland
Hi, Is there a good place to find old windsurfer parts? I have a board that seems to be in pretty good condition except for the mast base. The base is similar to the original except that it is mad of plastic and I think it had some sort of hard rubber tube connecting the part of the base in the board to the base of the mast. I can send a picture if interested.
ReplyDeleteactually even I am having issues with parts hunting
Deletelocal shop auventfou closed (was our parts shop)
even used is getting difficult !!
and prices OMG
I cannot buy anything new
even mastbases are over $100 now :-(