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Broke the FUC'n mastbase

In case you did not know, the FUC is the Fanatic Ultra CAT longboard that i have been using for the last two(2) years. It has a mast track that can be moved during "flight". I always wondered why the lock was only on one side and knew one day i would break it. Well, that day came during my long weekend in July 2013 #$%^&* The piece pointed out in the next diagram broke OFF #$%^&*

Basically what i think happened is: i connected the side with the lock and not the other and when pressure was applied by uphauling - VOILA no more post/clip to hold base in place $%^&*()

So, as usual i do NOT like to be trumped and tried to sail without the lock using my typical crazee ideas:

What i did was put a jammed metal piece in back in order for it not to move back and the retainer rope to keep it in place. Naturally this was NOT ideal and the rope seemed to stretch. For emergencies okay, butt not okay for regular usage. I will epoxy it and have to use the emergency rope all the time now :-(

Here are some pictures of the epoxy WHIP/whork in progress :-):


When it was dry, it did NOT look much different:

Well, I am happy to report that not only did it dry well and quickly, but also fit right away with NO sanding required. As marked earlier, i will need to be a little more gentle and the retaining emergency cord MUST be used. Let's hope i donut lose that piece #$%^&U*O

Will let you know how it goes !!!

So far the equipment has passed the test. Went out today on the lake and stressed the joint a number of times with tacks, jibes and falling in. I hate it when there are motor boats generating waves and NO wind #$%^&* Time will tell how it all goes. 

Started looking for a replacement board just in case - but not a new one YET. 
Found a KONA used for $1600 and windspirit still has a SB Phantom 320 for $1400 + tax, which comes out to about $1600 as well @#$%^&*

Another day on the lake with somewhat stronger winds and still going strong !!! YAHOO...
Time to test in bigger conditions on bigger water - like OKA on Wednesday :-)

NOT SO FAST !!! There was a hairline crack at the joint after the YAHOO sailing. I put some pressure and the bit came off. Liberal amounts of crazee glue have been applied. Maybe test at OKA for this fix.

OKA was 8-oh weather and so tested it at the chalet taday. So far so good, butt cracked last time after three(3) runs /$%?&*( Now I am a sceptic and have measured it in order to build one outta metal - should the need arise!!

So far - as passed the 3 day test !!!

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