Some people are calling this board a FREE-RACE.
Some people are calling it a FREE-FORMULA. (be careful with this one - there was a SB FreeFormula)
Some people are comparing it to BIG SLALOM.
ALL will agree that it IS a SUPER LIGHTWIND BOARD
It was first introduced in 2010 with one model - the SLW90 at 154 liters and obviously 90 cm wide - called 90V154. It was only 237 cm long and available in PRO and GOLD versions. People complained about the soft 56 cm fin which seemed to be corrected in later years.
This board was out before the Starboard/SB UltraSonic/US 147.
Perhaps this board also made other people realize the importance of width - freemove did come out NOT long afterwards. Perhaps designers thought width was good, but would generate too much volume - hey, let's make em thinner !! Total speculation of course...
It was in 2012 that a larger edition of the JP SLW was offered. This was the 92V165 and obviously 92 cm wide and 165 liters in volume (also longer @ 250 cm).
Now there was also a FULL WOOD sandwich version available.
Since I am a heavyweight at 100+ kilos/220+ lbs, I always had my eye on the larger version and either PRO or GOLD. I had my 2002 BIC Techno Formula/BTF since 2012 which is also a "FreeFormula" board, but not quite as "modern" or fast as the JP SLWs.
When a used 92V165 showed up at auventfou, I sold my BTF in two(2) days and purchased the board.
Since it was used, it had some light scratches, a brown spot and a patch missing on a footpad. The board was scrubbed to remove the "brown spot" and black Sharpie hid the missing patch. Looks pretty damn good to me :-)
There was a hairline "crack" in the material just in front of the front footstrap. Put some SolarEZ on it just in case - do NOT believe there is an issue there...
The fin that came with it is a Select Ultra Race 66 cm fin. This is the same fin I used on the BTF except it was a trimm and this is deep tuttle. It had some minor damage that i corrected with MarineTex and some sanding...
Have done many repairs with MarineTEX. It usually lasts a while, but this one did not. After the first outing it needed to be re-done. Am not surprised since i was using a 66 cm fin at OKA, which is shallower this year than usual... Decided to try some Marine Epoxy that I had purchased at local hardware store for other outdoor repairs. It went on well and sanded well. I put on some primer paint afterwards to see where it wears out and also a solar protector.
Why is it we are unable to afford such boards NEW ? At over $2000 a pop new, the average joe windsurfer like myself does NOT have a chance. We take the throw-away toys of the rich and are happy with them. C'est la vie and I will enjoy it just the same !!!
Before I forget, what are the specifications of this board?
Length : 250 cm Width : 92 cm
Volume: 165 liters Weight: 9.4 kg/~21 lbs
Fin Box: deep tuttle Sail Range: >7.5 {for me > 8.0}
OFO is 72 cm as measured by me slight VEE underneath
There was NO GOLD edition in 2012 of the JP SLW92.
In 2013 there was and it weighed one kilo less at 8.5.
Some people are calling it a FREE-FORMULA. (be careful with this one - there was a SB FreeFormula)
Some people are comparing it to BIG SLALOM.
ALL will agree that it IS a SUPER LIGHTWIND BOARD
![]() |
from German W/S Mag |
This board was out before the Starboard/SB UltraSonic/US 147.
Perhaps this board also made other people realize the importance of width - freemove did come out NOT long afterwards. Perhaps designers thought width was good, but would generate too much volume - hey, let's make em thinner !! Total speculation of course...
It was in 2012 that a larger edition of the JP SLW was offered. This was the 92V165 and obviously 92 cm wide and 165 liters in volume (also longer @ 250 cm).
Now there was also a FULL WOOD sandwich version available.
Since I am a heavyweight at 100+ kilos/220+ lbs, I always had my eye on the larger version and either PRO or GOLD. I had my 2002 BIC Techno Formula/BTF since 2012 which is also a "FreeFormula" board, but not quite as "modern" or fast as the JP SLWs.
When a used 92V165 showed up at auventfou, I sold my BTF in two(2) days and purchased the board.
Since it was used, it had some light scratches, a brown spot and a patch missing on a footpad. The board was scrubbed to remove the "brown spot" and black Sharpie hid the missing patch. Looks pretty damn good to me :-)
There was a hairline "crack" in the material just in front of the front footstrap. Put some SolarEZ on it just in case - do NOT believe there is an issue there...
The fin that came with it is a Select Ultra Race 66 cm fin. This is the same fin I used on the BTF except it was a trimm and this is deep tuttle. It had some minor damage that i corrected with MarineTex and some sanding...
Have done many repairs with MarineTEX. It usually lasts a while, but this one did not. After the first outing it needed to be re-done. Am not surprised since i was using a 66 cm fin at OKA, which is shallower this year than usual... Decided to try some Marine Epoxy that I had purchased at local hardware store for other outdoor repairs. It went on well and sanded well. I put on some primer paint afterwards to see where it wears out and also a solar protector.
Why is it we are unable to afford such boards NEW ? At over $2000 a pop new, the average joe windsurfer like myself does NOT have a chance. We take the throw-away toys of the rich and are happy with them. C'est la vie and I will enjoy it just the same !!!
Before I forget, what are the specifications of this board?
Length : 250 cm Width : 92 cm
Volume: 165 liters Weight: 9.4 kg/~21 lbs
Fin Box: deep tuttle Sail Range: >7.5 {for me > 8.0}
OFO is 72 cm as measured by me slight VEE underneath
There was NO GOLD edition in 2012 of the JP SLW92.
In 2013 there was and it weighed one kilo less at 8.5.
Did some research on the web and people have used 8.5 sails on this board. However, they typically used another smaller fin or the supplied fin. This 66 cm fin is ideal with a 10-oh, which in my case will be my TR-4 10-oh.

Also searched to see WHICH fins people are using ... In terms of weed fin, René strongly suggested the True Ames SB weed 23 in/ 58 cm fin. This was again what I had used with the BTF and it was GREAT. Worked with the 8.5 and the 10-oh. For sails larger than 8.5 even JP Australia is suggesting fins longer than 60 cm.
Now just need to get on the water and document how great the board is :-) Only had one session with no video and for me I still need 12 knots to plane, but MAN DOES IT PLANE !!
This is the BEST windsurf video I have found with this board so far ...
JP SUPER LIGHTWIND 90 - Early planing from Sebastian Kornum on Vimeo.
Wait - this one is pretty good too...
Tried the board with the mast track a bit further back on my first outing - as suggested on the Australian forum. However, in very light wind, I found it a little better in the middle. Will see if this is the same for bigger winds - over 12 knots steady - may also need to try pummping. Found that it was easy to move the harness lines back on the TR-4 10-oh. Put them at 75 cm and could have gone one or two cm more !! Used to have it around 70 on the BTF.
Still NOT in the footstraps , but this board feels like this is the one to show me how !!!
People are saying an 8.5 will work on this board too - with the standard 56 cm fin ...
Here is a great review from the Auzzie forum; {with good videos}
and another:
and another:
What does PlancheMag say ??
My buddy, Bert, warns me - that board is FAST - you better wear a helmet :-)
But what does the JP designer Werner say ??
JP Super Light Wind a Windsurfing video by boards
and here is what Josh of the Windsurfing Magazine said back in the day - magazine now defunct unfortunately
JP Super lightwind 154 from WINDSURFING magazine on Vimeo.
Nearly fell off my chair today. Was looking at wind-spirit and some clear out prices on JP boards. The 2013 JP SLW92 PRO was going for $2600 + tax and is now going for almost $2000 + tax. The 2014 was going for $2700 + tax and now is at $2200 + tax. Heck, I got one HELL of a deal !!!
René of auventfou won't lend me the fin that came with his JP SLW since it was never used - NEW. S'okay, cuz I found a 2001 Curtis CR-16 57 cm that has the same rake as the Select Ultra Race 66 cm fin. I needed to sand the base somewhat, put some McLube and a shorter screw in the back. Polarbear thought I would need longer screws !! Tried to buy an M6 screw or bolt between 5 and 7 cm. Hardware stores have NO longer than 5 cm and NOT in stainless steel.
This fin is to go with my TR-6 8.4 race sail or HSM SPF 8.5 if choppy :-)
Here are some pics of this nice fin on my beautiful board:
Today Bruno of 2-rad warned me - be VERY careful with that board = FRAGILE. He has repaired all of them in Montreal so far !!!
Why did I get this board? I enjoyed the BTF/BIC Techno Formula, but felt i could do a little better in lighter winds. People are saying that i am ready for free-race like Futura, iSonic, Hawk, etc, but I prefer to get comfortable with a faster Free-Formula like this one. It is longer than the SB US147 and as such should be easier to tack. In other posts I already stated that Formula is out of the question because they rarely show up used in good prices, use 70 cm fins and ideally should use a 12.x sail on one with my weight of 105+ kilos. With the "shorter" fin on the SLW I can try the TR-6 8.4 and I just read that elmo of the Auzzie forum has used a 7.x sail on a SLW92 !!! Before I get there, I need to get comfortable with the 8.x sails. Hope to be able to sell the AHD after !! and carry less boards to the beach - one long board and one SLW92 and I will be good from 8 knots to close to 20 !!! which is 95% of my sailing ...
On iwindsurf someone said:
"Comparing to formula SLW is way more user friendly, does not need any crazy pumping to get going, easier to get into foot straps, very easy to jibe, and does not kill your ankles reaching. The bigger version is a bit longer and has even more relaxed foot straps plugs. Ultrasonic has a narrower tail and is more suitable for lighter riders."
Had a "chat" with John Ingebritsen on iwindsurf . He does NOT like the JP SLW for a number of reasons. There is the square , blocky tail. In the same "breath"/sentence, he refers to boards with too drawn in tails compared to their width and double concaves aft. This does NOT seem to apply to the SLW. The other thing John and others do NOT like about the SLW is the jibe. It requires BIG fellows with experience to perform it well - "big strong guys with lotsa TOW". These comments do NOT discourage me. I was looking for a better light wind board than the BIC Techno Formula. I am SURE the JP SLW will fit that bill. Once I am comfortable with this board, we will see which one can replace it in terms of light wind, ease of use AND better speed !!!
Objective: Early planing in light wind and perhaps planing speed ??
"So in my opinion, the earliest planing (at min wind) is the Exocet RS7 close behind is JP SLW(Gold), then the Ultrasonic 2011/2012 followed by the Ultrasonic 2013 and the Falcon 152 close together. For top speed, the Exocet RS7 followed by the Ultrasonic 2013/Falcon152, Ultrasonic 2011/2012 followed by the JP SLW.
For control and ease of sailing in rough seas, Ultrasonic 2103/Falcon 152, Ultrasonic 2011/2012, followed by the JP SLW and then the most technical the RS7"
(There was NO mention of the RRD X-Fire Lightwind which seems to have been around since 2014 - perhaps AFTER the above analysis/discussion)
In 2015 JP is offering only one SLW which seems to be between the 90V154 and 92V165.
It is a 91V168(245cm). Sounds like a mix between the previous two(2) versions...
In 2015 Exocet is offering an RS8 which is 216 liters, 260 cm long and 90 cm wide.
Now that is one big board !!! Meant for heavyweights like me ??
In 2014 when I purchased the board, it was the end of the season and believe it received no more than one baptism / outing and planed for about 30 seconds (not caught on film) ... Remembering loving the feeling because water was quite smooth. In 2015 on my first outing it was not as smooth, but VERY enjoyable, Conditions were not ideal, but are they ever.. Will post this video for now , until I have something better. No comments on technique please :-) Know there is still work left to do, but FUN is there !!
and a shorter version with some music ... faster portion is at 1:05
TOO bad Cluffy took his vids OFF the OZ forum - they were great ... actually they were on youtube and he HATED their compression @#$%^&*()
Here is at least a pic i found of him with his harness mount
Here are Cluffy's boards when he had all JPs. Seems his latest videos have other boards now.
And here is what he says about the JP SLW:
The big board on the right is one of the most incredible boards I have ever ridden. It is capable getting on the plane in as little as 8 knots of wind. It is also capable of exceeding the wind speed in certain conditions. For example, in 10 to 12 knots of wind it is capable of doing 15 to 20 knots of speed, with the right rig of course.
Cluffy uses a Severne Reflex4 @ 9.6 m² on the JP SLW90,
It is an all out, no compromise race sail and the performance reflects this. It has 8 battens and 5 camber inducers, so despite the high tech materials it is made from, it is still quite heavy. Using this rig is bloody hard yakka due to it's size and weight, and also the unrestrained power it generates. This sail has made my old 8.2 sq. metre obosolete, it has a higher wind range than a sail almost 1.5 sq. metres smaller. The plus side is when used with my biggest board, I am out there planing around in as little as 8 to 10 knots of wind, and I don't need to change down until the wind is strong enough to go to my next board. It's a brilliant piece of equipment and I can't praise it highly enough.
Well, I am glad to say Cluffy has posted a video of himself on the JP SLW90. This time with a mast front mount:
Guess we are gonna hafta forget about CLUFFY - he keeps takin his videos down #$%^&
Cluffy is NOT a big fellow like A² and yet has NO issues jibing/gybing that wide board. He reminds me of Tinho Dornellas in his sailing. Tinho is a master windsurfer in Florida who seems to now be strongly associated with KONA and just came out with a new design for them.
Well, I am VERY happy to say that I did have a GOOD outing with the JP SLW92 and the HotSailsMaui SpeedFreak 8.5 in OCT 2015!!! Winds were NOT great and gusty -as usual. Planed on a couple of occasions using the Curtis 56 cm fin. Ideally on that day I would have liked to try my "new" SB iSonic 117W, but the SLW board showed winds were just a little light and side-shore...
Also read that people use sails as small as 7-oh on this wide SLW board ... Even in chop ??
Here the PROs and board designer show off the 2016 single version:
Fellow made a tri-fin adjustment on his formula board - was considering doing the same on my JP SLW...
but first i want to try a Lessacher 42 cm weed fin ... which works GREAT
actually sold my True Ames Santa Barbara 58 cm weed fin after purchasing the Lessacher ...
(well, actually after purchasing AND fully testing the Lessacher )
Just read about Force10 on QuebecWind using a Fanatic Slalom 152 with a NorthSails WARP 9.6 and Select S1 SLAM XL 55 cm fin. We all were surprised about the fin size. The JP SLW runs with a 66 cm fin when using such a large sail. Force10 says Select is working on making shorter fins work.
I keep looking for this comparison and so, will put one here too ...
(Some of this is already discussed further up ...)
Apparently this JP board was first introduced in 2010. Believe my JP SLW92 is a 2012 when they first made the 92 and the SLW90. They were both still available in 2013. The 90 was 237 cm long. In 2015 they went down to one SLW which was 168 liters / 91 cm wide and 245 cm long. In 2017 they are going back to 165 liters / 92 cm , but ONLY 235 cm long. Personally I think the length is a MISTAKE. A 245 cm long board can easily be tacked, whereas a 235 cm board CANNOT. The new board shape forces one to have some skills - like gybing a wide board and/or fast tacking ...
In 2017 foiling started to be popular and JP introduced foiling boards - 135 and 155 litres.
Again they are SHORT, but WIDE... Perhaps people will foil with the JP SLWs ?? or go to the foiling boards in the lighter winds ie less than 15 knots ... With this board and BIG sail even I can plane in about 12 knots ... 20+ kph winds. The thing about foils is they require about 2 meters less in the sail... and so, one could potentially fly in 12 knots with an 8.x sail ...
In 2018 there was a 2017 JP SLW92/165 liter PRO board on sail for $2819 from $3314 !!
Wow, that makes my board quite valuable - even if not foil ready !!
If i make it foil ready and do a few videos, should sell like a hot cake !!
07DEC2019 today I asked on JP Australia website via contact form about foiling with this board. The current SLW is also 165 liters and 92 cm wide, but foil ready ... and 15 cm shorter ..
Has anyone foiled with my 2012 92V165 model ?? and if so, does the box need reinforcement ??
Bruno of 2-rad would do the finbox for $200 !!
Did some research on the web and people have used 8.5 sails on this board. However, they typically used another smaller fin or the supplied fin. This 66 cm fin is ideal with a 10-oh, which in my case will be my TR-4 10-oh.

Now just need to get on the water and document how great the board is :-) Only had one session with no video and for me I still need 12 knots to plane, but MAN DOES IT PLANE !!
This is the BEST windsurf video I have found with this board so far ...
JP SUPER LIGHTWIND 90 - Early planing from Sebastian Kornum on Vimeo.
Wait - this one is pretty good too...
Tried the board with the mast track a bit further back on my first outing - as suggested on the Australian forum. However, in very light wind, I found it a little better in the middle. Will see if this is the same for bigger winds - over 12 knots steady - may also need to try pummping. Found that it was easy to move the harness lines back on the TR-4 10-oh. Put them at 75 cm and could have gone one or two cm more !! Used to have it around 70 on the BTF.
Still NOT in the footstraps , but this board feels like this is the one to show me how !!!
People are saying an 8.5 will work on this board too - with the standard 56 cm fin ...
Here is a great review from the Auzzie forum; {with good videos}
and another:
and another:
What does PlancheMag say ??
![]() |
Clique pour agrandir |
My buddy, Bert, warns me - that board is FAST - you better wear a helmet :-)
But what does the JP designer Werner say ??
JP Super Light Wind a Windsurfing video by boards
and here is what Josh of the Windsurfing Magazine said back in the day - magazine now defunct unfortunately
JP Super lightwind 154 from WINDSURFING magazine on Vimeo.
Nearly fell off my chair today. Was looking at wind-spirit and some clear out prices on JP boards. The 2013 JP SLW92 PRO was going for $2600 + tax and is now going for almost $2000 + tax. The 2014 was going for $2700 + tax and now is at $2200 + tax. Heck, I got one HELL of a deal !!!
René of auventfou won't lend me the fin that came with his JP SLW since it was never used - NEW. S'okay, cuz I found a 2001 Curtis CR-16 57 cm that has the same rake as the Select Ultra Race 66 cm fin. I needed to sand the base somewhat, put some McLube and a shorter screw in the back. Polarbear thought I would need longer screws !! Tried to buy an M6 screw or bolt between 5 and 7 cm. Hardware stores have NO longer than 5 cm and NOT in stainless steel.
This fin is to go with my TR-6 8.4 race sail or HSM SPF 8.5 if choppy :-)
Here are some pics of this nice fin on my beautiful board:
Today Bruno of 2-rad warned me - be VERY careful with that board = FRAGILE. He has repaired all of them in Montreal so far !!!
Why did I get this board? I enjoyed the BTF/BIC Techno Formula, but felt i could do a little better in lighter winds. People are saying that i am ready for free-race like Futura, iSonic, Hawk, etc, but I prefer to get comfortable with a faster Free-Formula like this one. It is longer than the SB US147 and as such should be easier to tack. In other posts I already stated that Formula is out of the question because they rarely show up used in good prices, use 70 cm fins and ideally should use a 12.x sail on one with my weight of 105+ kilos. With the "shorter" fin on the SLW I can try the TR-6 8.4 and I just read that elmo of the Auzzie forum has used a 7.x sail on a SLW92 !!! Before I get there, I need to get comfortable with the 8.x sails. Hope to be able to sell the AHD after !! and carry less boards to the beach - one long board and one SLW92 and I will be good from 8 knots to close to 20 !!! which is 95% of my sailing ...
On iwindsurf someone said:
"Comparing to formula SLW is way more user friendly, does not need any crazy pumping to get going, easier to get into foot straps, very easy to jibe, and does not kill your ankles reaching. The bigger version is a bit longer and has even more relaxed foot straps plugs. Ultrasonic has a narrower tail and is more suitable for lighter riders."
Had a "chat" with John Ingebritsen on iwindsurf . He does NOT like the JP SLW for a number of reasons. There is the square , blocky tail. In the same "breath"/sentence, he refers to boards with too drawn in tails compared to their width and double concaves aft. This does NOT seem to apply to the SLW. The other thing John and others do NOT like about the SLW is the jibe. It requires BIG fellows with experience to perform it well - "big strong guys with lotsa TOW". These comments do NOT discourage me. I was looking for a better light wind board than the BIC Techno Formula. I am SURE the JP SLW will fit that bill. Once I am comfortable with this board, we will see which one can replace it in terms of light wind, ease of use AND better speed !!!
Objective: Early planing in light wind and perhaps planing speed ??
"So in my opinion, the earliest planing (at min wind) is the Exocet RS7 close behind is JP SLW(Gold), then the Ultrasonic 2011/2012 followed by the Ultrasonic 2013 and the Falcon 152 close together. For top speed, the Exocet RS7 followed by the Ultrasonic 2013/Falcon152, Ultrasonic 2011/2012 followed by the JP SLW.
For control and ease of sailing in rough seas, Ultrasonic 2103/Falcon 152, Ultrasonic 2011/2012, followed by the JP SLW and then the most technical the RS7"
(There was NO mention of the RRD X-Fire Lightwind which seems to have been around since 2014 - perhaps AFTER the above analysis/discussion)
In 2015 JP is offering only one SLW which seems to be between the 90V154 and 92V165.
It is a 91V168(245cm). Sounds like a mix between the previous two(2) versions...
In 2015 Exocet is offering an RS8 which is 216 liters, 260 cm long and 90 cm wide.
Now that is one big board !!! Meant for heavyweights like me ??
In 2014 when I purchased the board, it was the end of the season and believe it received no more than one baptism / outing and planed for about 30 seconds (not caught on film) ... Remembering loving the feeling because water was quite smooth. In 2015 on my first outing it was not as smooth, but VERY enjoyable, Conditions were not ideal, but are they ever.. Will post this video for now , until I have something better. No comments on technique please :-) Know there is still work left to do, but FUN is there !!
and a shorter version with some music ... faster portion is at 1:05
TOO bad Cluffy took his vids OFF the OZ forum - they were great ... actually they were on youtube and he HATED their compression @#$%^&*()
Here is at least a pic i found of him with his harness mount
Here are Cluffy's boards when he had all JPs. Seems his latest videos have other boards now.
And here is what he says about the JP SLW:
The big board on the right is one of the most incredible boards I have ever ridden. It is capable getting on the plane in as little as 8 knots of wind. It is also capable of exceeding the wind speed in certain conditions. For example, in 10 to 12 knots of wind it is capable of doing 15 to 20 knots of speed, with the right rig of course.
Cluffy uses a Severne Reflex4 @ 9.6 m² on the JP SLW90,
It is an all out, no compromise race sail and the performance reflects this. It has 8 battens and 5 camber inducers, so despite the high tech materials it is made from, it is still quite heavy. Using this rig is bloody hard yakka due to it's size and weight, and also the unrestrained power it generates. This sail has made my old 8.2 sq. metre obosolete, it has a higher wind range than a sail almost 1.5 sq. metres smaller. The plus side is when used with my biggest board, I am out there planing around in as little as 8 to 10 knots of wind, and I don't need to change down until the wind is strong enough to go to my next board. It's a brilliant piece of equipment and I can't praise it highly enough.
Well, I am glad to say Cluffy has posted a video of himself on the JP SLW90. This time with a mast front mount:
Guess we are gonna hafta forget about CLUFFY - he keeps takin his videos down #$%^&
Cluffy is NOT a big fellow like A² and yet has NO issues jibing/gybing that wide board. He reminds me of Tinho Dornellas in his sailing. Tinho is a master windsurfer in Florida who seems to now be strongly associated with KONA and just came out with a new design for them.
Well, I am VERY happy to say that I did have a GOOD outing with the JP SLW92 and the HotSailsMaui SpeedFreak 8.5 in OCT 2015!!! Winds were NOT great and gusty -as usual. Planed on a couple of occasions using the Curtis 56 cm fin. Ideally on that day I would have liked to try my "new" SB iSonic 117W, but the SLW board showed winds were just a little light and side-shore...
Also read that people use sails as small as 7-oh on this wide SLW board ... Even in chop ??
Here the PROs and board designer show off the 2016 single version:
Fellow made a tri-fin adjustment on his formula board - was considering doing the same on my JP SLW...
but first i want to try a Lessacher 42 cm weed fin ... which works GREAT
actually sold my True Ames Santa Barbara 58 cm weed fin after purchasing the Lessacher ...
(well, actually after purchasing AND fully testing the Lessacher )
Just read about Force10 on QuebecWind using a Fanatic Slalom 152 with a NorthSails WARP 9.6 and Select S1 SLAM XL 55 cm fin. We all were surprised about the fin size. The JP SLW runs with a 66 cm fin when using such a large sail. Force10 says Select is working on making shorter fins work.
I keep looking for this comparison and so, will put one here too ...
(Some of this is already discussed further up ...)
Apparently this JP board was first introduced in 2010. Believe my JP SLW92 is a 2012 when they first made the 92 and the SLW90. They were both still available in 2013. The 90 was 237 cm long. In 2015 they went down to one SLW which was 168 liters / 91 cm wide and 245 cm long. In 2017 they are going back to 165 liters / 92 cm , but ONLY 235 cm long. Personally I think the length is a MISTAKE. A 245 cm long board can easily be tacked, whereas a 235 cm board CANNOT. The new board shape forces one to have some skills - like gybing a wide board and/or fast tacking ...
In 2017 foiling started to be popular and JP introduced foiling boards - 135 and 155 litres.
Again they are SHORT, but WIDE... Perhaps people will foil with the JP SLWs ?? or go to the foiling boards in the lighter winds ie less than 15 knots ... With this board and BIG sail even I can plane in about 12 knots ... 20+ kph winds. The thing about foils is they require about 2 meters less in the sail... and so, one could potentially fly in 12 knots with an 8.x sail ...
In 2018 there was a 2017 JP SLW92/165 liter PRO board on sail for $2819 from $3314 !!
Wow, that makes my board quite valuable - even if not foil ready !!
If i make it foil ready and do a few videos, should sell like a hot cake !!
07DEC2019 today I asked on JP Australia website via contact form about foiling with this board. The current SLW is also 165 liters and 92 cm wide, but foil ready ... and 15 cm shorter ..
Has anyone foiled with my 2012 92V165 model ?? and if so, does the box need reinforcement ??
Bruno of 2-rad would do the finbox for $200 !!
VAAST posted on the HSM SPF 8.5 post as follows:
Hi Joe, you've been a great help with light wind equipment, and following your analysis, I've just bought the JP SLW, 2017. It's the best board I've ever owned!